Student Solution


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1 University

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1 Subject

Exam 4 (descriptive)_Christian Spiritual Vision

Exam 4 (descriptive)_Christian Spiritual Vision

Q Explain what the Council of Nicea taught concerning the nature of Christ.Explain the differences between the various Christological models of the New Testament Church.Explain the theological concern at the Council of Chalcedon. Include examples with your responses.

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Convened by Constantine, the Council of Nicaea had the aim of resolving the controversy regarding the nature of Christ where it was being doubted that He was not a Divine being and rather a created one. This was a result of the Arian controversy and the council was in charge of eliminating all the confusion regarding the accurate definition of the nature of God for all believers. It was decided that Christ was eternal and His relationship with His Father, the God, was of the truest one and of equal divinity, of one substance, and thus the Holy Trinity was established where the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were equal and eternal persons.